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The following items are not allowed into camp, on a trip or an overnight:

•Phones or smartphones
•Smart watches
•iPods, iPads or electronic gaming or music devices
•Personal Toys
•Expensive items
•Fancy or expensive clothing

Why no money, toys or expensive items?
Money, fragile or expensive items are very likely to get lost or break.

Such things are a major distraction from camp, interrupt the activity or trip and greatly detract from their camp program often ruining a child's experience of what would otherwise be a great time with friends.

Smartphones are especially distracting from the camp culture as explained below.

Why no phones for campers?
Camp is a place for growing social skills, in person communication, meaningful friendships and memorable experiences. We strive to create a culture of communication where people notice each other's presence, learn to be sensitive and care for others, talk to each other while making eye contact, observe body language and overall get a much-needed break from personal devices, social media, videos and gaming.

This allows for children to actually socialize in meaningful ways, make new friends, mature and grow as a people in ways they never could with the presence of personal devices.

Therefore, we have adopted the following policy for campers of all ages with no exceptions.

• Children may not bring phones to camp, to trips or on overnights.

• Campers are not allowed to bring phones to camp, even to be left off and in their bags.

• Any communication you need with your child may be done via the camps office, team leaders or directors.

• Please email us for specific questions about communication with your child during camp or a trip/overnight.

• If a phone is brought to camp, it will be confiscated and may be returned after a few days.

• Repeat offenses will result in not being able to return to camp.

• Enrollment to camp is your acknowledgment that camp has the right to search campers bags for items that are not allowed in camp.

What if my child needs a phone?
If children need a phone to communicate for an extraordinary reason, it will need to be approved by the camp director in advance of bringing the phone to camp.

Approval can be requested with the camp director in the form of an email from parents explaining the reason and the precise intended use of the phone. Written approval must be received before a phone is brought to camp.

If approved, the child cannot keep the phone on their person. The phone will need to be checked in at the camp office upon arrival at camp every day, until the end of the day when it can be picked up right before leaving for the day.

If approved, the child will be allowed to come to the camp office and use their phone for the specified intended purpose, then leave it in the office until the end of the day.

It is the responsibility of the parents and campers to ensure that phones are not brought to camp, or to remember to check in their phone, if approved, at the office every morning and check it out right before they leave. Forgetting to check in the phone at the office is not an acceptable excuse.

We will not be held responsible for any lost items. If a child brings an expensive item to camp, it is their responsibility and they assume the risk of it being lost or broken.

The policy applies to trips and overnights as well. No exceptions can be made.

Communication with camp on trips and overnights:
Camp staff are always in touch with radio communication, and team leaders and directors always have phones with them for emergency use.

FLJDC offers parents communication methods for trips and overnights, so that campers do not need their phone with them to communicate with parents.

FLJDC staff may confiscate campers cell phones, money or toys at camp. These items will be returned at the end of the camp day before the child goes home.

We appreciate your cooperation with our NO PHONES, NO MONEY, NO TOYS CAMP POLICY.

Sat, March 29 2025 29 Adar 5785