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Jteens Wrap and Breakfast

Our Jteens spending the morning in prayer, Tefillin, breakfast and making fresh challah to share for Shabbos!

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Hebrew School November 17, 2019

Hand on learning, making cookies from scratch following a recipe completely in hebrew! Learning all about shabbat, the story of Avraham the first Jew, Jewish history, our Matriarch Rivka and researching synagogues around the world. See our classes in action!

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Hebrew School November 10, 2019

Awesome morning at Hebrew School! Children advancing in hebrew reading and language, learning about the mitzvot, studying the Parshah of the week, making mezuzot out of modeling clay after studying the laws and meaning of this special mitzvah, and making our own challah, after completing a unit about our Matriach Sarah and the three mitzvot of the Jewish women.

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MVP November 7, 2019

MVP's winter session meets on Thursday evenings at the Maple Glen Center. Our young teens bring joy, song, music and enjoy crafts with the senior residents!

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Hebrew School November 3, 2019

Another wonderful Sunday morning at Hebrew School filled with hands on learning, discovery and joy in Jewish life!

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November 2019 News

Camp Enrollments are starting!!! Don't miss out and save the dates!

Come and Join us at our exciting events! 

Turn to the calendar page and check out what is coming up this month!

Thank you to our October calendar sponsors:  Michael Gutnikov, Gary I. Gorodokin, Zohar "Zack" Zamir of the ZAMIR GROUP, ABA Insurance Agency, Lyubov (Luba) Kugel - Broker Associate, Century Homes Group and
Julia Starobinets - DDS of Bright Smiles Orthodontics.
Wed, March 12 2025 12 Adar 5785