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Jteen Membership is open to all Jewish teens

Participate in Jteen social events, holiday celebrations and programs, hang out with friends, meet new people, have the time of your life. Volunteering is optional, but awesome, everyone does it!

TO JOIN! All you need to do is register to an upcoming event, attend, have fun, and bam, your in!!

End of the Year Trip

At the end of the school year Jteen club participants will enjoy a trip to celebrate and reward their increase in Jewish awareness because of their regular attendance to Jteen events.

Teens can qualify for this trip by attending at least 8 Jteen events throughout the school year.

You do not need to volunteer to get onto the trip.

Trip destination and date will be announced shortly.

Volunteer Opportunities

The Jteen Club also offers many volunteer opportunities for you to earn volunteer service hours by giving back to the community.

Jteen club rewards volunteers at our annual Jteen award ceremony and by offering the Presidential Volunteer Service Award to qualifying volunteers.

  • You can just be a volunteer
  • Get unto a committee
  • Get a leadership position
  • Be an event host
  • Be a Jteen rep

Click to learn more about volunteer opportunities.

Fri, March 28 2025 28 Adar 5785