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New Preschool Account Setup
Complete the form on this page only if you are sure that you do not have an account with us already. Reset password or If you forgot your log in info, click here. If you were ever enrolled in our Camp or Hebrew school at any time, or attended any of our events in the past, you probably have an account with us! If you do not know if you have an account or if you cannot log in, please email and we will send you your account details. Otherwise please proceed with creating a new account below
Add Children below by clicking the + for each child you want to add.
Please add all the children in your family that currently live with you.
Once you click submit, your new account will be reviewed and approved by an admin.
You will receive an email with information to complete your account, create a username and password. (please check your spam folder if you can't find the email.) At that point you will also be able to view pricing and other school information, as well as complete an enrollment. As always, feel free to contact us with any questions you may have.