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Jteen Shabbaton Weekend 2024

Friday, April 12, 2024 4 Nisan 5784

8:00 AM - 8:30 PM 2 days after

Join for an awesome Jteen weekend in the Poconos!

Celebrating Shabbat with meaning and purpose with other JTeen groups, and enjoying great food and friends!

Beautiful grounds in the Poconos, with comfort and style.

Complete with epic trips and activities including paintball shooting, bbq's and a ton more this will be the best weekend of your life!

Friday, April 12 - Sunday April 14.
For teens in grades 9 - 12.


Cost of Shabbaton per person:
$400 per teen. Includes transportation, accommodation, food and trips for the entire weekend.
$100 deposit per teen, (deposit is included in the total).
See payment, discount and refund details in agreement below.


Three Available Discounts:
Discounts are per person and may be combined for up to a total of $400. (the full amount per teen)

Discount 1) Jewish Discovery Course
$200 discount for attending all four classes 
$100 discount for attending at least 3 classes
Click for classes schedule and more info

Discount 2) Attend Jteen events:
$50 discount per event between now and the Shabbaton.

Discount 3) No Phone on Shabbat:
$100 discount for committing to not use your phone during the entire Shabbat.
Eligibility for this discount will be verified during the Shabbaton.


Register for the best weekend of your life below.
log-in below to Register.
Reset Password or If you forgot your log in info, click here.

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Fri, March 14 2025 14 Adar 5785