Dear Friend,
"Be Holy, for I am Holy", is G-d's instruction in this week's Torah reading.
The Torah proceeds to then give us the recipe for holiness. Love your fellow, don't take revenge, pursue justice, be honest in business and engage in only moral marital relationships.
On our journey of self growth, looking to reach great spiritual heights, we can easily become self absorbed. G-d is making it very clear for us here. The path to true holiness, a holiness that emulates G-dliness is through our behavior with our fellow human being.
Essentially, we discover G-d through our interaction with the people around us.
Living a life with kindness, honesty, respect and care, being there for one another, IS a holy life. There is no need to search for it. The need is to work hard at it every day!!
Shabbat Shalom!
Rabbi Mendel & Elke Zaltzman