Dear Friend,
Freedom is overrated!
It’s ironic that Judaism being a religion that has guidance and direction on every aspect of life, also has freedom of choice at the core of its belief system.
It’s ironic that when we were freed from slavery in Egypt it was not yet considered real freedom until after receiving the Torah, only then were the Jewish people considered truly free.
While most books that are read at the Seder have text at the end which reads “The order of the Passover Seder has finished”, Chabad does not have that text in it’s Seder book.
The first Chabad Rebbe, whose Yahrzeit is today, explained, “The order of Passover and the lessons of the Seder never end, they continue all year long.”
I know it’s not Passover yet, but I can't help it, the taste of last year's Matzah still lingers.
So sitting here, 3,332 years after our great grandparents left Egypt and received the Torah, I wonder why were they only considered free post Sinai?
In their first exchange G-d tells Moses to tell pharaoh “Let My People Go, so that they may serve me”.
It’s no doubt that the freedom from Egyptian slavery was finalized only after receiving the Torah on Mount Sinai. In fact, the entire purpose of being freed was in order to receive the Torah and become a people with a positive purpose.
The profound lesson here for all humankind and huwomenkind is that freedom is not the absence of an oppressor, rather freedom is the presence of a purpose that benefits others.
The great American experiment is again being put to the test. We love America and cherish its constitution and the freedoms it provides. But have we ever stopped to think that being provided freedom does not yet make us free. Perhaps the founding fathers did not want to dictate the purpose of the individual because that would rob the people of their freedom. Rather the founders made sure that the people would be free from the government, and left it up to the intelligence of each individual to find their own purpose and meaning in life = True freedom.
If we feel like our freedoms may be slipping away, it is because we have not been truly free, it is because we are lacking in our personal sense of positive purpose.
For real freedom can never be taken away from a person, no amount of laws, dictatorship or corruption can imprison a free individual.
Freedom is in the mind and in the heart, the soul is free and as long as we have a pulse, we can be free.
So choose your freedom inducing purpose: A. Family, B. Friends, C. Community, D. Faith, E. All the above.
Choose wisely and enjoy your freedom, you and only you can ensure it will never end!
Shabbat Shalom!!
Rabbi Mendel & Elke Zaltzman