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2025 Camp Statement for Staff

A brief overview of FLJDC for prospective staff

FLJDC is a co-ed day camp, and one of the many educational programs offered by Bris
Avrohom of Fair Lawn for the North Jersey Jewish Community.

Our main mission is to provide the children and parents of our Jewish community with a positive Jewish experience and a safe, fun, and educational summer in a non-judgmental environment. Learning Jewish values which are also valuable life
skills such as sharing, helping, team work, being thoughtful and sportsmanship.

Our staff achieve this through the demonstration of awesomeness by role-modeling positive behavior, taking care of and giving attention to, each child in all aspects of camp, by knowing what to say and do, to encourage
and foster positive behavior in each child.

We are dedicated to enriching the lives of children from diverse Jewish backgrounds and affiliations through a stimulating camp experience. We market ourselves as a Jewish camp and as such most of our campers are Jewish. We treat everyone equally, with the Jewish values of love, dignity and respect.

Our camp philosophy is inspired by Chabad and the teachings of the Lubavitcher Rebbe which focuses on love and respect for every Jew no matter what. While we never force campers to participate in religious practice, we do encourage and inspire campers with the joys of the Jewish way of life.

We are located in the Yeshivat Noam school building in Paramus, NJ. We are a multi division camp, each division geared to a specific age group. This means that each division has its own team leader, schedule, program, trips, swimming, sports, and activities.

Camp spirit is a huge part of our camp! The spirit creates a sense of community within camp, that encourages everyone to be respectful and helpful. This makes everything we do much more fun, exciting, and meaningful.

Our camp sessions are divided into first and second session, although most of our campers come for the full summer.

Our program is designed to help youngsters develop self-confidence and build great character. As an awesome staff member, you are an integral part of this experience. Forming healthy, positive, supportive, and mentoring relationships with the campers is critical to your success at camp, and helps you feel accomplished at the end of every day.

We organize the divisions and bunks by gender, and campers are assigned to bunks by age and grade. Bunk sizes vary with approx. 15 campers. There are always at least two staff members per bunk.

Our counselors serve as bunk managers, supervising and taking responsibility for an entire bunk of campers.

Your job as a counselor is to make sure the primary needs of the campers are met—that they are safe, healthy, keeping clean, eating well, and so on. Your job is also to help campers learn to make new friends, get along with one another, adjust to camp and excitedly participate in the camp program.

Awesome counselors are on duty, with their campers and aware of their whereabouts and behavior during all camp hours. Awesome counselors are always enthusiastically involved in every activity assigned to their bunk and eagerly excite their children about each activity.

Awesome counselors also sit at the same table with their campers during lunch and snack. While on a bus, there is always an awesome counselor sitting every three rows, to ensure kids are properly supervised on bus rides.

Awesome counselors always help campers with bunk room and lunch table clean-up, help organize campers' personal items, and are always present at the pool while watching their campers.

We have a daily two-way feedback system. This encourages honest, constructive feedback, which makes counselors, team leaders, and directors responsible to one another.

Our staff follow a strict work place dress code for both male and female staff, inspired, in part by, Jewish tradition, mutual respect, and camp spirit.

Awesome counselors role model the 'camper no cell phone policy' by never having any cell phone on them during camp hours. This also allows counselors to properly focus on kids with zero distractions. Personal staff cell phones are kept in the staff room in a camp provided phone pocket designated for each staff member.

Our staff are paid a weekly rate plus bonuses, which is based on the pay rate scale. Coming late, leaving early, or missing days, will result in a prorated deduction form the pay. Awesome staff do not take time off from camp unless in an unavoidable, emergency situation. Awesome staff plan vacations, doctors’ appointments and such outside of camp hours.

Our awesome counselors are mostly from the local North Jersey and Rockland County area.

We also have some staff from other states who arrange their own lodging for the summer at local friends or family.

Awesome counselors are always familiar with their division’s schedule so they are personally prepared for the coming days.

All staff participate in online pre-camp training, and is also required to be in camp for professional staff development and orientation.

Counselors may choose to work one session or full summer and are required to commit to attend the full term of the sessions they choose to work.
You will have time at the end of your interview (if you are called for one) to ask any other questions you might have about camp or your job at camp.

Camp hours are from 8:45am when children begin to arrive, until 4:15pm when pick up ends and extra care begins. Staff hours are 8:30am - 4:15pm Mon - Fri.

The most important aspect of your job is to keep children safe, form positive relationships with your campers, ensure that your campers are happy and enjoying their summer experience, while helping them in their discovery of Jewish identity, pride, and joy!

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Thu, March 13 2025 13 Adar 5785