2025 Camp Parent Agreement
BRIS AVROHOM OF FAIR LAWN D/B/A FAIR LAWN JEWISH DAY CAMPS (the “Camp” or “FLJDC”) is excited to welcome your child to Fair Lawn Jewish Day Camp for the Summer 2024 season.
As we know you understand, no camp or business can completely guarantee a COVID-free experience. A successful camp season in 2024 depends on everyone’s cooperation in contributing toward precautions to minimize the possibility that a Camper or staff member will contract COVID-19. By enrolling your camper, you and each child you are enrolling (referred to as a “child”) agree and represent that you will abide by the expectations set forth below, as well as provide the Camp with all requested documentation including immunization documentation and confirmation of compliance with COVID-19 related procedures.
1. I understand that in order to secure a place for my child in Fair Lawn Jewish Day Camp (“FLJDC”), I must agree to all the terms and conditions of this Camp Parent Agreement and my application needs to include all of the following:
A. Online camp enrollment completed with accurate and up to date information.
B. Online health form for each child completed, digitally signed, and submitted.
C. A $200 non-refundable deposit. Please refer to the Refund Policy below.
D. Submit payment method information, choice of full payment or payment plans as outlined in the camp enrollment.
2. I understand that FLJDC will not hold a spot for my child if the deposit and/or full payments are not received or have not been set up in my camp account.
3. It is New Jersey state law that a completed application, health history, and immunizations be submitted to the FLJDC office prior to the beginning of camp. Otherwise, your child cannot be permitted into camp. There are no exceptions.
4. I acknowledge that my child will comply with all FLJDC’s guidelines and requirements as set forth in this Camp Parent agreement, the Parent Handbook, Camper Code of Conduct, the Camp Behavioral Agreement and the Safety and disciplinary policy, for both on-camp and off-camp behavior and COVID-19 safety protocols as adopted by FLJDC for the current season. FLJDC reserves the right, but is not obligated, to deny entry into FLJDC to any Parent or Camper who is not in compliance with any of its guidelines.
- I understand that FLJDC communicates with parents primarily via email and mobile phone messages and notifications. I have provided a working email address which I check frequently, I authorize FLJDC to send me and other parents/guardians on my account, camp related information via this email address. I agree to receive camp text messages and notifications to my mobile device of which I have provided the mobile number for. I will also download the camp app if applicable, sign up to my child's division messaging group, and enable notifications.
- I understand that when FLJDC sends an email or message, it assumes that I have received and read the notification in its entirety. FLJDC further assumes that if I have a question I will contact the FLJDC office by email asap to get clarification. I understand that the longer I wait to ask a question or share a concern, the less likely FLJDC will be able to have a timely and favorable response. FLJDC will not be held responsible if I miss notifications due to filters or glitches, if I overlook an email or message, if i don't read the communication in its entirety, or any other computer/device or non-computer related issue.
- I understand that it is my responsibility to notify FLJDC immediately upon email address or phone number change, or if I see that I have not received any FLJDC related emails or messages leading up to a few weeks before the beginning of my child's camp session. I will also check my spam folder and adjust my email settings to ensure I am receiving the camps emails.
- If applicable in 2024, I agree to complete an FLJDC daily health log each day before my child enters camp. I agree to not send my child to camp and notify FLJDC immediately if my child tests positive for Covid, exhibits any Covid symptoms, has a fever in excess of 100.4 degrees; or lives in a household in which a member tests positive for Covid, exhibits any Covid symptoms or has a fever in excess of 100.4 degrees; or otherwise comes into contact with anyone who contracts Covid, exhibits Covid symptoms or tests positive for Covid.
1. I agree to pay the full amount of the camp tuition per child, as stated on the camp website, as well as any additional fees or charges as stated on the camp enrollment and website. Full Tuition, fees and charges for voluntary activities or programs are required, unless I have entered into a written tuition agreement signed by both myself and the FLJDC director that indicates otherwise.
2. If I use a credit card for any camp related payment I agree to pay a 3% convenience fee. I understand that I have a choice to use eCheck/ACH for which there is no fee.
3. I agree to pay a $30 returned payment fee for each individual Credit Card charge disputed or unpaid by my card company or bank, check, or E-Check/ACH that is returned from the bank unpaid. I understand that this fee will be applied to my camp account and I will be obligated to pay it immediately together with the amount of the original balance.
4. I understand that after the camp season is over, my account will be reviewed. If there is an outstanding balance that is not part of a payment plan, my method of payment (E-Check or Credit Card) will be used to collect payment for the amount due at that time.
5. The camp office will send me an email with my balance before any charge is made. I will then have up to three days from the date of the email to review my account with the office staff to ensure accuracy. If I have not contacted the camp office within three days after the email, I authorize my account to be charged as described above.
FLJDC spends most of the tuition it collects before camp begins, makes deposits, reservations and hires staff based on the numbers of children enrolled. Enrolling to camp is your commitment that your child will attend camp and your agreement to that FLJDC spend your tuition funds before camp begins.
Therefore, there can be no refunds or deductions from tuition for any reason, including without limitation to the following:
1. FLJDC will not offer, and parents/campers will not be entitled to any refunds or deductions from tuition for any reason including, without limitation:
A. Cancelations to enrollment for any reason, arriving late, leaving early, vacations, holidays, missed weeks, missed days, missed trips, sick days for any health reason, injury or Covid, cancelations to enrollment for any reason, or suspension/expulsion from camp for any behavioral reasons.
B. If a camper is otherwise unable to attend camp or participate in camp activities for any reason.
C. If camp is suspended or closed due to a health or pandemic related reason, or due to government suspension or closure of camp, unless otherwise stated online under Covid Refund Policy.
2. All requests for refunds, credits or changes in enrollment must be submitted in an email to the camp office. The date of the first written request for a refund will be used to determine the refund amount based on the dates below. Verbal requests for refunds or changes cannot be honored.
After March 1st there is an administration cost of $25 to change an enrollment and the refund policy is applied.
3. If a refund is issued, it is based on the remaining enrollment after cancelation or actual camp attendance. The refund will be the balance left after those charges are applied. This means the refund will not be prorated based on the total before cancelation; instead, it will be calculated according to the remaining enrollment. An enrollment/session/week not eligible for refund is considered a remaining enrollment.
4. Camp tuition consist of two parts: 1) Deposit Amount. 2) Camp Tuition.
'Deposit amount' is not refundable.
Credit Card and bank fees are not refundable.
The FLJDC refund schedule of 'Camp Tuition' is as follows:
• 100% refund for cancelation before March 1 of the current camp season.
• 50% refund for cancelation before May 1 of the current camp season.
• 20% refund for cancelation before June 1 of the current camp season.
• No refunds will be made after June 1 of the current camp season.
- Extra Care is available at an extra fee.
- I understand that if I drop off before 8:45am, or pick up after 4:15pm, I will be charged the extra care fee.
- I understand that camp begins at 9:00am and ends at 4:00pm. I understand that extra care is available from 8:00 am-9:00am and 4:15pm-5:00pm Monday through Friday. I will notify the FLJDC office before 9:00am if my child will be absent from camp that day. I further agree to ensure timely pick up of my child from camp. FLJDC reserves the right to charge $1.00 per minute for each minute after extra care ends until I pick up my child for the first 15 minutes after extra care ends. I authorize FLJDC to charge my account for this purpose using the Credit Card or E-check I have saved in my camp account.
- I agree to pay the hourly rate posted on the camps website for extra care, if my child is in extra care in any AM or PM period even if it is less than one hour. FLJDC will review my account once per week to determine any use of extra care. I authorize FLJDC to use the Credit Card or E-check I used for camp tuition to charge me for extra care at the rate advertised on the camp website.
I understand that extra care is optional and there is a per period, per child charge for extra care in addition to camp tuition. I agree that my child needs to be supervised at all times while on camp grounds, even outside of camp hours. Therefore, if my child is dropped off more than 15 minutes before camp begins, and/or is picked up more than 15 minutes after camp ends, I agree to pay the full per period per child rate for extra care as explained above.
Do not send your children with any toys, cell phones, iPods, iPads, money or other expensive items, or fancy, or expensive clothing. Fragile or expensive items are very likely to break or get lost. Such things also distract the children and detract from their camp experience. Smartphones are especially distracting from the camp culture we build at camp. If children need to come to camp with cell phones to communicate about transportation, they will be required to submit these items to the camp office when they arrive at camp, until the end of the day when they can get it again. We will not be held responsible for any lost items. There can be no exceptions to the "no cell phone" policy. We appreciate your cooperation with our no cell phone/expensive toy policy.
The no phone policy applies to trips and overnights as well. No exceptions can be made.
I agree that if my child is suspected of bringing items to camp that are on the "do not bring to camp list" their belongings may be searched.
I agree that the FLJDC staff may confiscate my child's cell phone, money or toys if found. These items will be returned at the end of the camp day before the child goes home. We cannot take responsibility for lost or stolen items.
- I give my child permission to participate in all advertised, scheduled and or published camp activities, trips, and regular swimming at the pool contracted by FLJDC for the current camp season as advertised on the camp website, as well as swimming at trip destinations. By registering my child to FLJDC I attest that i have reviewed the published program and trips and that my child is physically, emotionally, and socially capable in every way of participating in the camp's programs and activities. I understand that some trips will require an additional waiver from trip host. I understand that trips may be dependent on weather and may be canceled or replaced with another trip which FLJDC will make parents aware of in full detail as much in advance as possible. I further agree that FLJDC's willingness to accommodate me and/or my child for a special need or request does not obligate FLJDC to do so again. It further does not absolve me from my responsibility to ensure that FLJDC and the FLJDC program is suitable for my child. FLJDC is not responsible to inform me of any doubts that staff or administration may have about my child's ability to participate in the program. However FLJDC in its sole discretion may refuse, suspend, or expel my child with no refund based on FLJDC determination of his or her inability to participate in the program.
- I give Fair Lawn Jewish Day Camp permission to arrange for the transportation of my child to scheduled camp trips, swimming and outings. I allow my child to board vehicles hired by FLJDC for the purpose of transportation to and from camp scheduled trips and activities.
- I allow my child to be in photos and videos taken by and/or produced by FLJDC and FLJDC's affiliates, and I allow videos and pictures of my child to be used on the websites and social media pages of FLJDC and FLJDC's affiliates and in print.
- I understand that FLJDC cannot and does not guarantee that no camper will become ill or infect others. I understand that FLJDC will do its best to follow the applicable state, CDC, and ACA guidelines with regard to Covid safety at camp.
- I acknowledge that transmission of pandemics, epidemics, airborne diseases, and other communicable diseases, including but not limited to COVID-19, are outside of the Camp’s control and occurring without its fault or negligence. I further acknowledge that there is an inherent risk in contracting COVID-19 and other communicable or airborne diseases despite compliance with applicable guidelines of the Centers for Disease Control (“CDC”), Department of Health (“DOH”), or other guidelines as may be promulgated by federal, state and local agencies from time to time. I understand that by enrolling and sending my child to FLJDC for the current season, I assume the risk of infection from COVID or other communicable diseases despite the efforts and precautions that FLJDC will implement.
- I understand that camp involves many activities, social and other interactions, and responsibilities some of which may be new to my child. I understand that these come with certain risks and uncertainties beyond what my child may be used to dealing with and beyond what FLJDC may control. I am aware of these risks and I am assuming them on behalf of my child who is a minor. I realize that no environment is risk-free and/or 100% safe, and that the current season carries with it an added degree of risk. Therefore I assume the responsibility of all costs, medical expenses or any other damage or suffering that may result from participating in FLJDC, or an injury or incident at camp. I will not hold the camp responsible for any medical or other expenses I may incur due to my child attending and participating in the program at FLJDC. I realize that some situations may not be covered by my insurance or the camp's insurance, and that some situations may be specifically excluded by my or the camp's insurance. I will not hold the camp responsible for any medical or other costs or expenses I may incur while my child attends the program at FLJDC.
- RELEASE FROM LIABILITY: I acknowledge on my own behalf and on behalf of my child that FLJDC is not liable to me or my child, camper, jointly, severally, or individually, and I agree to forever release and waive FLJDC and each of its owners, board members, volunteers, affiliates, vendors, employees, agents, representatives, successors, or assigns from any and all claims or causes of action regarding harm or injury arising from or related to COVID-19, or other communicable diseases, physical injuries or emotional traumas outside of FLJDC’s reasonable control. I agree to voluntarily give up, relinquish, or waive any right that may otherwise exist to bring a legal action against the Camp for personal injury, emotional suffering or property damage. To the extent that statute or case law does not prohibit releases for negligence, this release is also for any claims or causes of action for negligence in New Jersey or any other jurisdiction. I make this release on my own behalf and on behalf of my minor child. I acknowledge that I have carefully read this provision and understand that it is a release of liability.
- I have instructed my child on the importance of proper behavior and abiding by FLJDC's rules. My child and I both acknowledge that he or she is familiar with these rules and will obey them.
- I agree, on my own behalf and behalf of my child, to follow all FLJDC at-home guidelines to help contribute to a safe environment at camp, including but not limited to the following:
A. Follow all general state guidelines issued with regard to Covid safety;
B. Keep my child away from elderly persons over the age of 60 and persons who are otherwise health compromised while my child is at camp, and for two weeks after camp;
C. I understand that it is advised that I should consult my child's medical provider to assess risk and determine if attending camp is acceptable for my child and/or the implications of my child attending camp to the people living in my home;
D. I will talk to my child and explain the importance of following FLJDC's guidelines with regard to social distancing, frequent hand-washing, sanitizing and covering of the face at appropriate times.
9. I agree that my child will:
A. Not board buses or attend camp if they are sick or experiencing any flu-like symptoms;
B. Wash or sanitize hands before boarding bus, van or vehicle and upon entry to camp grounds;
C. Practice good hygiene by coughing or sneezing into their elbow or a tissue, and avoid touching your mouth, nose, and eyes;
D. Maintain physical distance with other persons and observe social distancing guidelines;
E. Wear a face mask when required at camp and also wear masks and other protective coverings while in public places or indoors outside of the home;
F. When exiting, remove all belongings and discard all waste;
G. Follow hand hygiene and cleaning and disinfection guidelines, including but not limited to frequently washing and sanitize hands;
H. Report symptoms of or exposure to COVID-19 to FLJDC.
10. If any portion of this release from liability shall be deemed by a Court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, then the remainder of this release from liability shall remain in full force and effect and the offending provision or provisions severed here from.
- FLJDC has policies in place to help each camper gain as much as possible from the camp experience. A copy of FLJDC's camper rules, bus rules, behavioral agreement and health, safety and disciplinary policy are available on the FLJDC website. My signature on this agreement indicates my consent to abide by all of FLJDC's rules, regulations and policies.
- I understand that FLJDC will do its best to place my child in the groups and/or with the friends that I have requested, with no guarantees. FLJDC reserves the right to, in its sole discretion, place campers in the bunks and/or groups that it believes is in the child's and FLJDC's best interest, regardless of what parents have requested verbally or in writing. I understand that once children are placed in bunks, no changes will be made for the remainder of the summer. I agree to accept group placements made by camp, I will not request that changes be made because I understand that they will not be able to be made. I will not complain about placements to my friends offline or online, instead I will talk to my child and help them learn the skills of making new friends, and of adjusting to new people and new environments.
- I understand that FLJDC is a mainstream summer day camp and that FLJDC is not equipped or staffed to properly care for children with special needs of any kind including difficulty with social skills, any form of ADD or ADHD, impulsive behavior, or emotional distress, as well as the inability to participate in self-regulating behavior.
- I understand that FLJDC does not evaluate children before or during camp and has no way of professionally diagnosing the status of a child. I agree that FLJDC in its sole discretion as based on my child's behavior, determines my child's ability to participate in the program, but has no responsibility to inform me of any such determination. I understand that FLJDC will not be held responsible for injuries or distress of any kind due to the inability to care for a child with any form of special need described above. By registering my child with FLJDC I vouch that my child has the necessary abilities to participate in a mainstream summer program, is able to function respectfully in a group setting, follow directions from staff and has the ability to engage in self regulating behavior. I assume responsibility for any form of injury and all costs associated with my special needs child. I also forfeit a refund in the case my child is dismissed from camp due to not being able to participate in the program as deemed solely by FLJDC.
- I will notify FLJDC immediately of any physical concerns, limitations, or diagnosis that my child may have or develop before or during the current camp season, as well as any medical diagnoses that may be new for this camp season.
- FLJDC reserves the right to, in its sole discretion, remove any camper from camp for reasons it believes are in the best interests of the camp and the children enrolled. Should a camper be sent home for any such reasons, no refund will be made.
- I will keep my general contact information and emergency contact information current with FLJDC. I will notify FLJDC immediately of any change in my contact information.
- I will pay for any damage done by either my child acting alone or in concert with others to FLJDC property and/or property of any facilities, equipment, or vehicles rented, leased, or used by FLJDC.
- Neither FLJDC nor any of its staff shall be responsible for the loss of or damage to the personal property of the camper. I agree to ensure that my child does not bring expensive belongings to camp.
- I understand that my child will not be allowed in camp if they do not pass the daily health screening, and will be suspended from camp if they display symptoms of Covid, have been in contact with anyone who has been sick with or had symptoms of Covid in the past two weeks. This suspension can range from a few days up to two weeks, depending on the circumstances of the exposure of your child, and on two consecutive negative tests for Covid.
- I understand that camp is run by people, and those people will work hard to keep camp safe and fun. I understand that these people deserve the same respect and courtesy that any other person deserves. The people at camp will always treat me and my child with respect, and the same is expected in return.
- I understand that caring for other people's children is always difficult and requires a huge degree of care and responsibility, even in normal times, and even more so in the time we find ourselves in now. I agree to respect that level of care and trust. If I have a question, a disagreement, or a concern, I will address it directly with the camp office or directors, by way of email or private message. I understand that while in the event of a disagreement or misunderstanding I have with the camp, I may feel good by venting to my friends online or offline, but this is not how I will help my child or myself resolve the issue. Rather, I understand that by having direct and immediate communication with the camp office and/or directors with the intention of resolving the matter asap, this will best benefit my child and other children at camp.
- I agree to abide by the decisions that the directors of FLJDC make, I understand that these decisions will always put the safety of the kids first. I further agree to bring up any disagreements I have with these decisions, or questions I have in a respectful manner, and in private, just like I would expect when the camp communicates with me.
FLJDC has a no abuse policy and will not tolerate children using any form of abuse whether verbal or physical against another camper or staff member. All children engaging in any form of abuse or bullying, (irrelevant of who started) will be subject to disciplinary action, which may consist of some or all of the following and not necessarily in this order:
A warning from the bunk's counselor, missing time from an upcoming trip, a talk with the FLJDC director, a phone call home informing parents of the situation, or suspension from FLJDC. FLJDC will do its best to prevent and minimize any form of abuse. I understand that FLJDC will not be held responsible if abuse does occur and I release FLJDC from any responsibility in case my child suffers any form of abuse at the hands of another camper or staff member. See also (in the document center) the safety and disciplinary policy and camp behavioral agreement and camper code of conduct for more specific information.
No smoking, vaping, juuling, no talking about it, or pretending to use it.
No talk or mention of any illegal substances including any sort and form of legal substance which can alter the mind or state of being in anyway.
No one may possess any device or item which is used to consume any type or form of such substance.
No weapons or weapon imitations/toys, alcohol, drugs, animals or pets may be brought to camp.
Any form of violation of the above, puts the safety of other children at risk and is grounds for immediate dismissal from camp without a refund.
FLJDC shall not be responsible for the cost of any medical, health or dental treatment relating to participating and/or attending FLJDC. I understand that no environment is 100% risk free despite best practices of FLJDC. I understand that I am required to have medical insurance with adequate coverage for the risk that sending my child camp involves. I take responsibility for any and all expenses, medical or otherwise, resulting from an injury while attending FLJDC, and work with my insurance to get it paid without involving FLJDC in any way. I understand that my child, myself or someone in my family may get sick with Covid or any other disease during the time my child is enrolled in FLJDC, as a result of attending. I have the necessary health insurance to make sure that my family and I can get the medical treatment we may need to pay for. I understand that some insurance policies may exclude pandemic related events, and that while I am covered for general medical expenses, not all medical expenses may be covered, and non-medical expenses may not be covered at all.
In the event that there are any disputes regarding this Agreement, I, on my own behalf and on behalf of each enrolled child, waive any right to a trial in a court of law before a judge and jury. I, on my own behalf and on behalf of each enrolled child, agree that any such dispute shall be brought no later than ninety (90) days after the last day of Camp in the current season, and will be determined by binding Arbitration before one (1) arbitrator with experience in the camp industry to be selected by FLJDC, and that such arbitrator shall certify that the arbitrator is free from any conflict of interest. I, on my own behalf and on behalf of each enrolled child, further agree that the arbitration will take place solely in the State of New Jersey and that the substantive law of New Jersey shall apply, and that if I seek to assert a claim against FLJDC on my own behalf or behalf of my child, I will notify FLJDC in writing with a demand for arbitration. To the extent that any claim I have against FLJDC has not been released or waived by this Agreement, I acknowledge that I have agreed that my sole remedy is to arbitration of such claim, and that such claim may only be brought against FLJDC in accordance with the above Waiver of Trial, and Agreement to Arbitrate.
I understand that by submitting the application referenced in Section 1(A) under 'Required Information,' I have agreed to abide by all of the terms and conditions of this Camp Parent Agreement and all policies outlined in the parent handbook and other documents FLJDC has made available to parents and outlined in Section 4 under 'Required Information. I have read about what camp may look like in the current season, I have read the risks, I understand them and I assume them on behalf of my child and myself.
I understand that if I am not comfortable with any of these agreements, if I disagree with them, or if I have a hard time keeping my disagreement with camp off of social media or discussing them with my friends, I should strongly consider not participating in the currrent season of FLJDC.
I acknowledge that I have read the entire document and that I understand all terms and conditions.
By signing this document, I acknowledge my understanding of its content and that this document cannot be modified orally.
I and each enrolled child agree to abide by FLJDC’s policies and procedures, as well as any other rules and regulations, as may be adopted or amended from time to time.