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Drop-off at camp

Starting 8:45am - 9:00am

Early Care starting at 8:00am, More info

Pick-Up from camp

Starting 3:45pm - 4:15pm

After care ends 5:00pm, More info

Dropping off your child at camp

1. DO NOT enter from Essex St. Enter only from Century Rd. (see pick up and drop off procedure.)

2. Always pull up all the way up to the stop sign or car in front of you. Do not stop if there is room in front of you to pull up.

3. Please do not stop in middle of the driveway to drop off, this causes cars to back up behind you and causes traffic.

In the morning as you enter from Century Rd. and pull up to the drop off area, our camp staff will greet you.

If your child is old enough, please have them unbuckle, open the door, get out of the car, close the door and walk themselves into camp.

If your child is too young for this, a staff member will open your passenger door, and help your child/ren out of the vehicle, help them get their bag, and escort them into the camp building.

Either way, there is no need for you to get out of your car.


In the morning please form one lane as you will into the drop off area to your right, which leads down the driveway all the way to a stop sign at the end fo the driveway.

When in the drop off area, keep your eyes open for children walking from their cars and camp staff who may be directing traffic to help move things along quickly. Keep in mind that there are vehicles behind and in front of you and that it may take a few moments to get a child safely out of their vehicle. Please be patient, especially in the first few days!

The speed limit in the drop off area is no more than 5 miles per hour. Help keep our children safe!

Please do not get out of your car if you are in the drop off area. If you want to walk your child into camp, please park in the lot and walk into camp with your child.

Picking up your child from camp


1. DO NOT enter from Essex St. Enter only from Century Rd. (see pick up and drop off procedure.)

2. Always pull up all the way up to the car in front of you. Do not stop if there is room in front of you to pull up.

3. Use the current summers carpool ID card provided by camp with your camp gear. Using big black bold CAPITAL letters, write the first name and last name of all campers being picked up. Please ask for more carpool IDs if you need.

4. Display the Carpool ID in a way in which it will be easy for the people calling names to read your Carpool ID card.

5. Display your Carpool ID on the side that is toward the center of the two lanes.

6. Do not remove your carpool ID from your windshield until your children arrive, so that we can call them again if necessary.


The carpool ID should be displayed in the windshield or attached to the visor of your vehicle in a way that when pulled down it displays right side up and a person can easily see the names from the front of your vehicle. You can use rubber bands to secure the carpool Id to your visor.

In the afternoon there will be two lanes in the pick up area as you enter from Century Rd, please pull your visor down to display your carpool ID on the side that is closer to the center of the two lanes.

Your child’s name will be called and your child will be brought out to your vehicle by our camp staff. The staff will help your child/ren into your vehicle, help buckle them in, and close the door. Please do not get out of the driver’s seat.

If you are not listed as an authorized pick up for a given child, you will be required to park in a camp designated spot, go to the camp office, and wait for approval to be received for you to pick up the child.

When in the pick up and drop off area, keep your eyes open for children going to and from their cars and camp staff who may be directing traffic to help move things along quickly. Keep in mind that there are vehicles behind and in front of you and that it may take a few moments to get a child safely into or out of their vehicle. Please be patient, especially in the first few days!

The speed limit in the pick up and drop off area is no more than 5 miles per hour. Help keep our children safe!

Please do not walk up to the dismissal door to pick up your children. Instead, either pull up in the pick up line, or park and go to the camp office.

Sat, March 29 2025 29 Adar 5785